Sunday, April 22, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Brainstem Syndrome
Brain stem vascular syndromes
- Weber’s syndrome: CN 3 palsy (pupil sparing) + contralateral hemiparesis
- Benedikt’s syndrome: Weber’s plus red nucleus - CN 3 palsy + contralateral hemiparesis + contralateral hyperkinesis, ataxia, intention tremor; Remember: Weber + red nucleus
- Millard Gubler: CN 6 + CN 7 + contralateral hemiplegia
- Wallenberg’s syndrome: (PICA + vertebral) spinal trigeminal tract of CN 5 + inferior cerebellar peduncle + descending sympathetic tract + ventral spinocerebellar tract + CN 9 and 10 fibers + lateral and ventral spinothalamic tract + solitary nucleus + cuneate and gracile nucleus + vestibular nuclei (NOTE: no weakness in the contralateral arm or leg)
- Hoarseness, dysphagia
- Ipsilateral vocal cord paralysis
- Loss of gag reflex (CN 9 is the afferent limb of the gag reflex and CN 10 is the efferent limb)
- Vertigo
- Oscillopsia (swaying side to side)
- Facial analgesia
- Horner’s
- Ipsilateral loss of taste
- Ipsilateral arm, trunk, leg numbness
- Contralateral pain and temperature loss
- Remember: Vocal PATHetic HOG with Vertigo (vocal cord, pain and temp, analgesia, taste, Horner’s, hoarseness, oscillopsia (sensation of things moving back and forth in horizontal plane), gag, vertigo)
- Avellis syndrome: (tegmentum of the medulla) paralysis of soft palate and vocal cord + contralateral hemianesthesia
- Note: posterior portion of brain stem has mostly sensory tracts + CN 9 and 10
- NOTE: palatal myoclonus is due to a lesion in the dentatorubroolivary circuit
- Jackson syndrome: Avellis + ipsilateral tongue paralysis
- Medial medullary syndrome: (occlusion of basilar paramedian branches) ipsilateral hemiparalysis of tongue + contralateral arm and leg hemiparesis
- Claude syndrome: (brachium conjunctivum) cerebellar ataxia + crossed CN III palsy
- Note: crossed CN III = innervation of superior rectus; levator palpebrae has both crossed and uncrossed
- Remember: Claude, Crossed, Conjunctivum, CN 3
- Dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome – facial weakness and severe dysarthria and dysphagia that occur in conjunction with a clumsy or paretic hand; usually due to a lacunar infarct of the basis pontis supplied by the basilar artery
- Top o’ the basilar syndrome: abulia (absence of initiative) + Parinaud’s + CN III palsy
- Remember: PA 3 (Parinaud’s, Abulia, CN 3)
- Nothnagel syndrome: unilateral or bilateral CN III + cerebellar ataxia; Remember Benedikt - hemiplegia
- Parinaud’s syndrome: loss of upward gaze + mydriasis (dilated pupil) + loss of convergence + loss of pupillary light reflex + lid retraction + nystagmus retractorius
- Note: due to crossing of the fibers for upward gaze rostrally and posteriorly between the ri MLF nuclei that are interrupted before descending to the CN III nuclei
- Remember UPMC (Upward gaze, Pupillary reflex (plus dissociated light-near response), Mydriasis, Convergence)
- Brain stem syndromes of non-vascular type
- Foster-Kennedy – lesions at the base of the frontal lobe with symptoms of ipsilateral optic atrophy, ipsilateral anosmia, and contralateral papilledema
- Devic’s syndrome – optic neuritis and myelitis
- Leber’s optic atrophy – caused by mitochondrial DNA mutation and usually causes a centrocecal scotoma
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
3 parts:
- Ventral: contains motor pathways
- middle: contains sensory pathway
- dorsal: contains Cranial nerve nuclei
- Muscles of mastication and forehead muscles have bilateral supply while facial muscle have unilateral supply .
-crossed sensory loss : lesion is between mid pons and c2 level.
cerebeller lesion, cranial nerve lesion are ipsilateral, cr
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